
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Well Blogger Me!

Welcome to the b.b.c.  - that is the acronym for blonde bombshell in crises, not to be confused with a much loved national media institution from Old Blighty and I wouldn't want to be so presumptious as to hint that I could, quite easily, be mistaken for a national treasure....

Why b.b.c?

  • Blonde - I am blonde in appearance but not blonde of mind
  • Bombshell - I am working on this bit but suffice to say that I have seen a fair few of these in the odd war zone here and there
  • in Crises - I am a humanitarian aid worker by profession in perpetual motion to various humanitarian crises and natural disaster emergencies around the world

And to blog or not to blog?

That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the pings and......sorry, a bit distracted there.  I'm blogging for light relief, taking a slightly tongue in cheek and irreverent view of the eccentricities of humanitarians (myself included) and the humanitarian world we orbit around in the hope that it will make you smile and take some well-earned cyber R&R.

You are welcome to join me on this journey to security clearance required but remember to pack your flak jacket.


Sarah xx

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