
Saturday, 1 November 2014

Return of the Blondebombshell....

Ta Dah! I'm back. Did you miss me? 

I just want to apologise to all of you readers out there for my absence from my blogsite these past few months. I’ve been away for a while. You know how things are at times. Life is not a straight line. Things come along that you just have to deal with...

Well,  I've now been able to reach a point where I can unleash my creativity on you all once again...look out world...On that note I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on blog posts or if you’d like to engage with me on my Facebook page then click here or on my Twitter page click here. I dare you to give me some suggestions on the humanitarian or development issues you’d like me to explore! Come on people, get creative.  

For now thanks every so much for reading the Blonde Bombshell in Crises (b.b.c.) journey so far. Do get in touch, keep reading and spread the word by Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or however you like.

Let's grow this tribe!

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